Bollywood actress Jacqueline Fernandez has recently filed an application in a Delhi Court seeking permission to travel to Dubai from January 27 to 30, to attend the PepsiCo India Conference. The reason for her travel is to perform at the conference as a star performer for the concert scheduled on January 29, 2023. The Enforcement Directorate (ED) has been granted time by the court to file a response to the application.
Jacqueline Fernandez is being investigated by the ED in an Rs-200 crore money laundering case involving alleged conman Sukesh Chandrasekhar. She had earlier appeared before the agency for questioning and is a Sri Lankan National living in India since 2009 and holds a good reputation in the Bollywood industry. The application states that she has always joined the investigation and is ready to abide by any conditions imposed by the court if her prayer for travel is granted.
The Economic Offences Wing (EOW) of Delhi Police has also filed a supplementary chargesheet against Pinky Irani in connection with the investigation of the Rs 200-crore extortion case involving Sukesh Chandrasekhar. According to Delhi police, Pinky is a close aide of Chandrasekhar and introduced him to Jacqueline Fernandez. The ED’s case is based on an FIR filed by Delhi Police’s EOW against Chandrasekhar for cheating and extorting Aditi Singh, wife of the former promoter of Religare Enterprises Shivinder Mohan Singh.
Both Chandrasekhar and his actor wife Leena Maria Paul were arrested by the Delhi Police in September 2022 for their alleged role in the duping case. The fresh supplementary chargesheet mentions the progress in the case, including the recording of various statements including Jacqueline Fernandez and Nora Fatehi.
Overall, the case involving Jacqueline Fernandez and the PepsiCo India Conference in Dubai is currently being heard in the Delhi Court, with the ED being granted time to file a response on her application for travel permission.