Every joint is surrounded by muscles that control its movement. If muscles on one side of a joint become too tight because of overuse, it could cause the muscles on the other side to become too weak because of lack of use. This is called muscle imbalances.
Muscle imbalances can be a cause of injury because they can change the path of motion of joints during movement which is the potential cause of injury.
If you’re injured or in pain, you must seek the appropriate medical help for a proper diagnosis and treatment. However, if you notice that some parts of your body are always sore after exercise or any physical activity, it might be muscle imbalances. But, the right exercise can help improve your muscle power and improve your joint range of motion, which are essential to get rid of muscle imbalances.
Here are some facts that you need to know about muscle imbalances and how they are created.
1. Repetitive Motions
Repetitive motions are one of the most common causes of muscle imbalances. If the muscles are used to generate force repeatedly for the same moves, muscles become overused and remain in a state of semi-contraction, which changes the position of the joint. It means if you do the same movements in a work setting or perform the same exercises in every workout, it can be a potential cause of imbalances.
If you are a job that requires repetitive motions, try to make small changes to the movement to avoid imbalances. Also, change the exercises in your workouts regularly to minimize the risk of muscle imbalances.
2. Remaining in a Seated Position for a long time
Remaining in a sedentary position for an extended time can cause muscle imbalances in the hips. This mostly happens when we drive to work and spend most of the working hours in a seated position.
When you are seated, your hips are bent, which places the muscles in a shortened position. When the hip muscles are shortened for a long time, they will change the way the hip joints move. This also could be a potential cause of low-back pain.
If you work in a job where you spend most of the time seated, look for opportunities to stand up, walk and keep your joints mobile and your hip muscles from becoming too tight.
3. Maintaining a Poor Posture
Maintaining a poor posture can also result in muscle imbalances in the upper body, specifically the shoulders and upper back. Posture is the resting position of the body, and poor posture can lead to inefficient movement patterns that can cause muscle imbalances. For example, allowing your body in a slouched position can cause shortness in the muscles of the shoulders, which creates unnecessary length in the muscles of the upper back. Using a mobile phone consistently can also cause this slouched position.
Exercises for core stability or performing pulling movements with your hands in a neutral position can help you stand taller.
4. Wearing High Heels
Wearing shoes with an elevated heel can also result in muscle imbalances. Elevated heels frequently could develop a number of muscle imbalances in your feet, lower legs, hips, and shoulders. High heels change the position of your knees which in turn, changes the position of your thigh bones. This subsequently, changes the position of your spine and shoulders.
If you wear high heels on a regular basis, it’s important to address any flexibility issues in your calves. Otherwise, it will develop into a potential injury.
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