In a dramatic turn of events, Pakistan Customs at Karachi’s Jinnah International Airport successfully foiled a cunning smuggling attempt last Sunday. The protagonist of this unusual story was a female traveler arriving from Sharjah via Air Arabia flight G9-542, who had 23 iPhone 15 Pro Max units securely attached to her body. The total value of the seized devices amounted to a staggering Rs. 9.2 million.
The Customs officers stationed at the International Arrival Lounge became suspicious as the woman approached the green channel, seemingly innocent. A thorough inquiry into her luggage raised concerns when her responses failed to satisfy the officials. This prompted a closer inspection, revealing empty boxes hidden within her bags, concealing not only mobile phones but also graphics cards.
Taking the matter seriously, Customs personnel swiftly transferred her belongings to the examination counter, where a more extensive search uncovered the astonishing find – 23 iPhone 15 Pro Max units securely tied to her person. The cumulative worth of these devices, along with the required duty tax of Rs. 4.3 million, added to the gravity of the situation.
Syed Irfan Ali, the spokesperson for Customs, disclosed that the woman was promptly apprehended, and the mobile phones were confiscated as evidence. This incident sheds light on the ongoing battle against the influx of smuggled mobile phones, a phenomenon frequently observed through the Dubai air route. Both the government of Pakistan and the Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA) have acknowledged the issue, identifying numerous smugglers involved in the illicit practice and launching a crackdown against them.
This bizarre incident serves as a stark reminder of the lengths some individuals go to in attempting to evade customs regulations and highlights the diligence of Pakistan Customs in preventing such illegal activities. As authorities continue their efforts to curb smuggling, stories like these underscore the need for increased vigilance and stricter measures to safeguard against the illegal importation of high-value goods.